WBBSE : Class 10

Lesson  2

Poem: Fable

Poet: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Comprehension exercises 

1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences: 

(a) The quarrel was between the mountain and the 

(iv) squirrel 

(b) Bun has no doubt that the mountain is 

(ii) big 

(c) Unlike a mountain, a squirrel can crack a 

(i) nut 

2. State whether the following statements are True or False. Provide sentences/ phrases/words in support of your answer: 

(a) The mountain called the squirrel ”Little Bun”. 

Ans: False

SS: And the former called the latter ‘Little Prig.’ 

(b) The squirrel is sprier than the mountain. 

Ans: True

SS: You are not so small as I, and not half so spry.

(c) The mountain can carry forests on its back 

Ans: True

SS: If I canot carry forests on my back,

3. Answer the following questions: 

(a) Who had a quarrel with the squirrel? 

Ans: The mountain had a quarrel with the squirrel.

(b) What is not a disgrace to the squirrel?

Ans: For squirrel to occupy one’s place is not a disgrace.

(c) What is it that the squirrel doesn‘t deny?

Ans: The squirrel doesn’t deny that the mountain makes very pretty squirrel track.

Grammar in use


4. Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs from the list given 

below. Change the form of verbs where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verb in the list: 

(a) Rabi met his friend in the park. 

Ans: came across

(b) Tanushree cannot tolerate cruel behaviour to animals. 

Ans: put up with

(c) His proposal was rejected

Ans: turned down

List: turn down, come over, put up with, come across 

5. Change the voice of the following sentences: 

(a) Lock the door.

Ans: Let  the door be locked. 

(b) Ashim knows the solution to this problem.

Ans: The solution to this problem is known to Ashim. 

(c) I had written a letter.

Ans: A letter had been written by me.

Writing activities 

6. Write a letter to your friend (within 100 words) advising her/ him to visit the public library in her / his locality as frequently as possible.

Ans: Answer will be published very soon.

7. Write a paragraph (within 100 words) on the benefits of early morning exercises using the following points: 

good for health - fresh air - keeps one active throughout the day

Ans: Answer will be published very soon.