My Own True Family : WBBSE Class 10 : Questions and Answers 

Lesson  4


Poem: My own true Family

Poet: Ted Hughes


Comprehension exercises

1.        Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

(a) Creeping in an oak wood, the poet was looking for a

Ans: (iii) stag

(b) Whenever an oak tree is felled, the number of trees the poet must plant is

Ans: (i) two

(c) When the poet came out of the oak wood, his heart was that of a

Ans: (ii) tree


2.        State whether the following statements are True or False. Provide sentences/ phrases/ words in support of your answer.

(a) The old woman held the poet’s secrets in her little bag.

Ans: True

SS: She said: ‘I have your secret here inside my little bag.’

(b) The tree tribe said that the poet is bothered to see the chopping down of oak trees.

Ans: False

SS: We are chopped down, we are torn up, you do not blink an eye.

(c) The poet never came out of the oakwood.

Ans: False

SS: When I came out of the oakwood,

3.        Answer the following questions:

(a) When did the poet come twice awake?

Ans: When the old woman opened up her little bag, the poet came twice awake.

(b) What would happen to the poet if he failed to make the promise?

Ans: The poet have to die, if he failed to make the promise.

(c) What was it that altered the poet?

Ans: It was the poet’s dream beneath the boughs that altered him.


Grammar in use

4. Change the following into indirect speech:

(a) Rahul asked Dipa, " Will you go to school today?"

Ans: Rahul asked Dipa if she would go to school that day.

(b) Rita said to Ayesha, "Please give me a glass of water."

Ans: Rita requested Ayesha to give her a glass of water.

(c) The old man told the little girl, ”May you be happy!”

Ans: The old man blessed the little girl that she might be happy.


5.        Do as directed:

(a) Ranjan said, "Who does not know the name of Rabindranath?‘ (Change into affirmative sentence )

Ans: Ranjan said that everybody knows the name of Rabindranath.

(b) Sangeeta runs faster than any other girl in her class. (Rewrite using the positive degree of 'faster')

 Ans: No other girl in the class can run as fast as Sangeeta.

(c) Kaushiki blamed her friend for the trouble. (Rewrite using the noun form of 'blamed’)

Ans: Kaushiki put the blame on her friend for the trouble.


7.        Your school is going to host the lnter-school District Sports Competition. Suppose you are the Secretary of the Sports Club of your school. Write a notice (within 100 words) calling students to participate in the competition. Mention the time, date and venue of the competition. Your notice should be countersigned by the Headmistress/Headmaster of your school.



                                                            TUV HIGH SCHOOL

No: 2022/6                                                  NOTICE                 Date: dd/mm/yyyy


                                    lnter - school District Sports Competition


All the students are hereby notified that our school is going to host the Inter-school District Sports Competition.*



*try to write at your own points. If any help needed feel free to comment or contact.